code: 7257
type: other carpets
collection: ancient turkmen carpets
origin: uzbekistan
dimensions 77 x 120 cm
2' 6" x 3' 11"
2' 6" x 3' 11"
UE Citizens + Italian Vat Tax (22%)UE Companies Italian Vat Tax Free
Available from:
Morandi Tappeti
Condizione: Antico
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This carpet is in Italy - Castelvetro store
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I find it difficult to answer the question: "in which environment do you put it away?" Because the collector's piece is noticed everywhere.
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category: other carpets
High-quality manufactures of old and antique oriental rugs new
collection: ancient turkmen carpets
You do not know what the population was the first to develop the art of weaving a carpet, although it is believed that the Turkmen were among the first to perfect this technique and take it to an unsurpassed level of craftsmanship to make visual art and symbolic . Salor, Yomuth, Tekke, Ersari, Beshir.
High-quality manufactures of old and antique oriental rugs new
collection: ancient turkmen carpets
You do not know what the population was the first to develop the art of weaving a carpet, although it is believed that the Turkmen were among the first to perfect this technique and take it to an unsurpassed level of craftsmanship to make visual art and symbolic . Salor, Yomuth, Tekke, Ersari, Beshir.
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L opinione sul costo non è confutabile specialmente quando rimane un commento a se stante senza un termine di paragone. Personalmente ritengo difficilissimo reperire un altro pezzo di questo spessore a questo prezzo. Invece il commento tarda è assolutamente fuori luogo.
Fabio Morandi - 21-10-2020 | 09:44:36
Fabio Morandi - 21-10-2020 | 09:44:36
Sacca bella ma tarda e un po costosa
Lorenzo - 20-10-2020 | 19:47:39
Lorenzo - 20-10-2020 | 19:47:39
Molto bello lo trovo caro
Francescolagomaggiore - 07-06-2020 | 21:53:45
Francescolagomaggiore - 07-06-2020 | 21:53:45
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