Morandi Carpets
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code: 9183
type: modern and contemporary carpets
collection: Tibet collection
origin: india
dimensions 186 x 283 cm
  6' 1" x 9' 3"



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This carpet is in Italy - Castelvetro store
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Even in this Pardeh dimension, the Brezza rug explodes in all its freshness.
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category: modern and contemporary carpets
Proposals for designers, contemporary artists and modern "Ustad" masters in the knotting technique manual carpet, interpret modernity in strict observance of the ancient traditions

collection: Tibet collection
Embellished by the end of 150 nodes each node Tibetan sq-inch, is the result of a rigorous selection of designs. The Tibet rugs are woven with fine wools, silk and hemp.

Example of setting

modern and contemporary carpets ambientati


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Sono bellissimi e hanno portato una ventata nuova nell’arredo. Non sono molto sicuro della loro durata rispetto a Persiani e Caucasici. Personalmente ne possiedo uno molto bello. Vediamo quando arriverà a qualche lavaggio come sarà la situazione. Per chi è indeciso sulla scelta artistica li consiglio eccome, una volta a terra ci si innamora.
Davide - 05-01-2025 | 17:32:17